Excellent care foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental, philanthropic and humanitarian organization duly registered and licensed with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on the 4th of October.
It is also a non-faith based organization because we do not discriminate against religion though our values, persuasions, interest and intents have roots from or originated from OUR CREATOR GOD.
- God gave His only begotten son, and His only begotten son, yielded His only begotten life to salvage humanity meaning that nothing should be regarded as more important than the lives of men not to be scarified for the betterment of humanity.
- He who gives to the poor lends unto God (THE HOLY BOOK)
- You can get anything in life, if you can/will help enough other people get what they want (ZIG ZIGLAR)
- The happiest people are those who have invested themselves, their time, and resources into others (JOHN MAXWELL)
- It is actually the individual who is not interested in his fellow man that has the greatest difficulty in life and provides the greatest injury to others (ALFRED ADLER)
- You can be better, happier and make more friends in 2 months by being interested in the welfare and wellbeing of others than you can in 2 years trying to make them interested in you.
- The children of the poor you fail to train/help will not give your children peace (OBAFEMI AWOLOWO)
- The value of life is not in the kind of cars that you have driven, currently driving or will drive, neither is it in the kind of mansion(s) that you have lived in, currently living in or will acquire; it is not also in the amount of MONEY that you had, currently having or will have (sometimes stacked in houses and banks), it is not in titles one acquires, but the value of life is in how many lives you touched, raised and gave hope to while alive. It is in how many people see reasons to live on (in this world where suicide is becoming normal and a resort to escape the seeming problems of life) because of the light and life that came to them through you.
- Life’s assignment on earth is just two – service to God and service to humanity
- Nigeria according to the last WORLD POVERTY INDEX REPORT is the poorest country in the world (Theresa May-UK Prime Minister Comment).
Excellent Care Foundation therefore was/is formed to strengthen the quality and scope of health care, education, and economic empowerment at the community level. It is to reduce dependency and foster self-reliance through skill acquisition/empowerment and financial intelligence trainings.
It is not just an attempt to look nice in the eyes of people and the corporate world; but it is actually sponsored by our inability to look away from the hardship people around us and those in the world go through in their daily existence. It is a response to the humanitarian needs that have to be met; and our intervention cuts across the broad spectrum of social challenges from Education to health care services, drug addictions/abuses and life generally.
The formation of Excellent Care Foundation is for no other reason but the meeting of like minds and those who share in our IDEOLOGY propelled by the deep desire to be humane, regardless of the demands (Religions believes in- consequential).
Excellent Care Foundation is a conscious effort to institutionalize a behavioural pattern so we could streamline our activities in certain directions and in order to help monitor resources as they are channeled to a well defined course, for transparency and accountability.
It is a response to the dire needs of the less privileged, widows, widowers, orphans and the vulnerable in the society. It is sponsored by a strong will and desire to be a conduit through which God’s extravagant and unfeigned love is demonstrated to the world and to put smiles on the faces of people.